
Spring Term in Pre-School


 We are excited for another fun-filled term of learning and exploration in Pre-School.

We will continue to strive to make your child’s first experience in education special, continuing to develop their relationship with their teacher and other learning support assistants, who will support them and ensure that their emotional and academic needs are met daily.

Our aim is for your children to become confident learners and to carry their love of learning throughout their lives.



As well as following your unique children, their interests and what engages their learning. Our curriculum will be inspired by our Spring Bookshelf filled with exciting, high-quality texts, helping children to develop our Character Traits:



We also have a Supporting Bookshelf which recommends high-quality texts to parents that support your child’s learning, if you wish to borrow any from the library or buy for a gift, here are some fantastic recommendations:



As our school year progresses, we will encourage the growth of new skills, resilience and understanding as part of the children’s development.  We will also be looking at new life during Springtime, in both animals and plants.


Spring Learning at a glance:


Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Developing relationships. Understanding empathy, rules and needs.

Physical Development

Developing more complex movements. Fine motor skills. Independence in self-care.

Communication and Language

Telling longer stories through Tales Toolkit, building vocabulary, understanding questions and explaining.


Rhyme, alliteration and syllables. Giving meaning to marks. Understanding the concepts of print.


Subitising. Counting backwards and forwards. Shape and positional language. Noticing and continuing repeated patterns.

Understanding the World

Exploring the world, learning about different countries, cultures and traditions. Understanding events in my life and in different countries and cultures.

Understanding forces.

Expressive Arts and Design

Musical and movement using instruments. Drawing with increasing detail. Colour mixing.


The Pre-School team

Mrs Stevenson – Class Teacher

Miss Valenta – Learning Support Assistant

Miss Davies – Learning Support Assistant

Miss Snelson – Learning Support Assistant

Miss Tweedy – Learning Support Assistant


Important Information

  • Wellington boots and waterproof coats will be required daily for outdoor learning and are kept in your child’s own box in school.
  • Important information will be shared through our weekly school Newsletter.
  • Our team will be available every day before and after school to discuss your child’s day, receive messages and celebrate successes.
  • Our Class Teachers are always on hand, ready to talk about any questions or queries you may have.


As always, there will be lots of learning and exciting activities going on in Pre-School this term. Please speak to our admin team for access to the Pre-School Instagram feed @wps_preschool

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