It was great to see our children competing in a range of events throughout the morning demonstrating fantastic collaboration and respect for each other. We felt the children performed with great determination and enthusiasm in the warm weather and the ice lollies from the PTA were very much appreciated.

The children rotated around in relay races, hole in the cup, dressing up, egg and spoon, balancing bean bag, obstacle, skipping, dribbling a ball and hopping through hoops.

Each child participated in sport’s day as part of their house team in eight physical challenges which built upon many of the fundamental movement skills we’ve been working on all year long: balancing, jumping, running, skipping, dribbling. They negotiated space and obstacles safely, with consideration for themselves and others. They demonstrated strength, balance and coordination and at times moved very energetically. They listened carefully to instructions, following what was expected of them for each activity. They were confident to try new activities and show independence, resilience and perseverance in the face of challenge.They took turns with their team members and worked together towards the goal of getting as many points as they could for their team.

Many thanks to the PTA for providing refreshment to the school community and a special well done and thank you to everyone who joined in the egg and spoon race at the end. The children had a great time cheering everyone on.

Congratulations to Magnus, who were crowned this year’s Sports Day Champions!

Collage of images from Sports Day